809 Williams Street • Longmeadow, MA
Conveniently located next to Specs Perry Optical Shop


A comprehensive eye examination with dilation will typically last 1-2 hours.
Yes, Dr. Budri has evening hours every Tuesday and Thursday.
Many medical conditions can affect the health of the eyes.
Yes, we see children for comprehensive eye care beginning at age 3.
New patients and often patient returning for a yearly eye exam will receive dilating eye drops. These eye drops are administered to allow us to refract the child (check for an eyeglass prescription) in a manner that does not require patient cooperation and also allows us to examine the internal structures of the eye (optic nerve and retina).

These eye drops take approximately 20-30 minutes to work, both dilating the pupil and eliminating the child's ability to focus (thus blurring the vision). Children will be somewhat more light sensitive after the eye drops and will find their vision blurred especially for near work. Children are able to ambulate well and play. The eye drops wear off in two stages. Focusing ability usually returns first in about two-three hours and children will again be able to read. Large pupils often do not return to normal until the next day, but they always return to normal. Often the pupils are unequal as they return to normal. The eye drops are safe and necessary for a complete and thorough eye examination.
A driver is recommended if you are going to be dilated, as your vision may be blurred from dilation. If you haven't had a problem before, you may use your judgment.
In order to obtain a prescription for contact lenses, you will first need a comprehensive eye examination. A fitting for contact lenses can, at times, be performed on the same day as your comprehensive eye exam. There is a fitting fee that medical insurance does not cover for this procedure. Some patients do carry an additional vision insurance which may cover all or a portion of this fee.